75% Bonus for Removing Architectural Barriers

Tax Deductions and Facilitated Financing

Tax Deductions, Facilitated Financing and Inclusive Hospitality

In an era where inclusivity is paramount, it is essential to adapt our homes and businesses. Thanks to tax deductions and subsidized loans for individuals, eliminating architectural barriers has never been more convenient and accessible.

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055 425 2054

Bonus deductions

An Impulse for the Elimination of Architectural Barriers

Tax deductions incentivize both companies and individuals to embrace an inclusive vision. From 2022 to 2025, Italian regulations provide for a 75% deduction on personal income tax (Irpef) for expenses incurred for specific interventions, with a maximum limit that can reach up to 50,000 euros, spread over 5 annual installments (the installment plan applies only to individuals and not to companies).

Facilitated Rate Financing: An Opportunity for Individuals

For individuals keen on making their structures accessible, there's good news: in addition to tax deductions, it's possible to obtain facilitated rate financing (facilitated rate financing is exclusively for individuals). These financing options, combined with deductions, can make the removal of architectural barriers an economically advantageous project accessible to everyone.

Facilitated Works: A Holistic Vision of Accessibility

The range of facilitated interventions extends from the installation of elevators and lifts to the transformation of steps into ramps, and to the introduction of hi-tech solutions to facilitate internal and external mobility for individuals with severe disabilities. This includes the installation of fixtures, motorized shutters, internal and external doors.

An Accessible Future: Planning and Consultancy

Investing in the removal of architectural barriers is crucial for inclusive hospitality. To make the most of the incentives available, careful planning and expert consultancy are essential. Our team can assist you at every step, guiding you towards tailored solutions.

Conclusion: The future is accessible and inclusive. With the support of tax deductions and facilitated financing, we can create spaces that welcome everyone.

To explore the opportunities provided by tax deductions and facilitated financing further, our team is at your disposal.


For further details and insights on tax deductions and facilitated financing for the removal of architectural barriers, we recommend consulting the portal of the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate): Removal if the Archtitectural Barriers.

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