Bioethanol fireplaces

What is a bioethanol fireplace and why is everyone talking about it

the warmth of ecological design

Ethanol fireplaces, also known as bioethanol fireplaces, are an intriguing innovation for those who don't want to forego the timeless charm of a fireplace while still desiring to maintain a contemporary and minimalist living decor.

Indeed, they are an ecological and design solution for heating any living space without compromising the style of the furnishings. They are defined as ecological because they are fueled by an eco-friendly fuel produced from the fermentation of plant substances; this means that bioethanol fireplaces do not emit harmful substances or fine particles into the air, they do not produce smoke or bad odors.

There are different types of bioethanol fireplaces available

From floor-standing to wall-mounted, built-in, or corner models, each of these can become a true furnishing element: in addition to representing a source of heating that integrates with the home system, bioethanol fireplaces are indeed design objects, combining functionality and aesthetic value.

Let's now discover how bioethanol fireplaces work and what types are currently available on the market.

How does the ethanol fireplace work

Ethanol fireplaces offer several advantages and are the ideal solution for those who want to bring the romantic and cozy atmosphere of visible flames into their living space without compromising a modern or contemporary decor. The bioethanol fireplaces are small fireplaces enclosed by a glass shield, equipped with a container for liquid fuel; using a simple lighter, the bioethanol is ignited, starting to turn into vapor and generating the flames that warm the surrounding environment.

Bioethanol fireplaces do not require a chimney or any structural modifications to be installed, they do not need maintenance and do not need to be cleaned but only refilled when the eco-friendly fuel runs out. Since they are open flame systems that generate CO2, only an external air intake in the room is required to ensure proper oxygen replenishment.

camini a bioetanolo

Bioethanol fireplaces, types for every home and style of decor

Bioethanol fireplaces can be incorporated into the living room decor as a true design element as well as a low-cost heating system for the room. There are many different types, one for every style and home, but they are all flueless fireplaces, so they can be installed relatively easily.

Wall-mounted Bioethanol Fireplaces

The installation of these bioethanol fireplaces is very simple and only requires hooks similar to those used for wall-mounting televisions. It can be mounted at any height and provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere combined with a great aesthetic impact, especially if you choose a wall-mounted bioethanol fireplace as a decorative element for a modern living room.

Built-in Bioethanol Fireplaces

This model requires a more complex installation process because you need to create a niche in the wall where the built-in bioethanol fireplace will be placed: you will have to choose the location based on pipes and electrical wires and contact a mason to carry out the necessary masonry work.

Freestanding Bioethanol Fireplaces

Perhaps the simplest type to integrate into your home environment as they simply need to be placed on the floor, in the area of your choice. If you choose a decorative bioethanol fireplace, even an original arrangement, such as in the middle of the room, could have a great effect; for these types of solutions, there are double-sided bioethanol fireplaces available. Additionally, if you need to position it in the garden or on the terrace, you can find specific outdoor bioethanol fireplaces on the market, particularly resistant and suitable for different weather conditions.

Tabletop Bioethanol Fireplaces

As the name suggests, tabletop bioethanol fireplaces are perfect for placement on a piece of furniture or on the table. They are compact, extremely practical, and very lightweight, perfect for moving around and blending in with the decor. Modern tabletop bioethanol fireplaces are an optimal solution for smaller homes.

Corner Bioethanol Fireplaces

The corner type also does not require major installation work, just make sure to take accurate measurements. There are classic bioethanol fireplaces that are particularly suitable for placement in a corner position as they evoke the old-fashioned fireplaces of the past.

Bioethanol Fireplaces Online at ISA Project: Browse Our Catalog

In conclusion, choosing a bioethanol fireplace is a great idea to create a pleasant and timeless atmosphere without interfering with a contemporary, design, and minimalist living room decor. There are indeed decorative bioethanol fireplaces perfect for adding a touch of class and originality to even the most modern home.

At ISA Project, you can find freestanding bioethanol fireplaces, both classic and modern, wall-mounted, tabletop, and outdoor, made of glass, ceramic, or marble, true design objects. You can choose your favorite directly from the online catalog or request personalized advice from our professionals.