Herbalist Chiara Peroni teaches us how to purify home environments

How to Use Essential Oils to Scent the Home and Divide the Environments

How to Scent Your Home Naturally and Choose the Right Essential Oils for Each Room?

Herbalist Chiara Peroni, in the interview for Homing #changinghomes, explains how to use essential oils to love our refuge, our home, even more.

Is there a relationship between our senses and the spaces we live in? Everything passes through our senses, an essential key to understanding what surrounds us, both inside and outside the home. A warm and welcoming light or a background music that matches the furnishings can radically emphasize the soul of a space. Similarly, the use of scents and essential oils plays a central role in creating domestic spaces and how we enjoy them daily.

Living in the home during the quarantine meant building a safe place to purify ourselves, leaving worries and negative energies accumulated during the day outside.

In this sense, aromatherapy helps understand how to scent the home, representing a valuable ally with a thousand therapeutic properties for both individuals and environments.

But what are the actual benefits that an essential oil can bring to our living spaces? And how can we divide the rooms through scents?

In this interview, you will find advice on choosing essential oils to spread positive energy and divide the rooms of the house by choosing the most suitable essences for each room and activity. We delved into the topic thanks to the professional experience of Chiara Peroni, herbalist and owner of L'Albero della Vita, a naturopathic center and precious bazaar of natural remedies.

How do our senses interact with the spaces we inhabit?

The quarantine has changed our way of being at home. Home becomes a nucleus where we feel protected and comfortable, and the diffusion of essential oils plays a central role.

In herbalism, we work by creating olfactory atmospheres with the aim of consciously using essential oils.

A pure 100% essential oil provides a feeling of well-being, serving a sensory function leading to emotional satisfaction.

How have people's requests changed recently?

This year, we've seen a significant increase in demand for home-related products, as people have sought comfort and a sense of security in their living spaces. Among the most requested items are room sanitizers containing extracts of thyme, savory, tea tree, Cajeput, or Niaouli, known for their antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Some people needed to create a calm atmosphere, while others sought to boost their energy or define separate areas within their homes. Each individual required essential oils with specific characteristics to meet their needs. Popular products included Ylang Ylang and rose essential oils, valued for their ability to provide a sense of protection and harmony in the environment.

In these confined spaces, people were eager to establish their own identities. The home has become a focal point where people pay particular attention to its care, including a focus on olfactory routines such as caring for sofas, curtains, and fabrics.

Which essential oils would you recommend to infuse positive energy into the home?

Lavender provides balance, constancy. Palmarosa offers compassion and self-recognition. The keyword for lime is gratitude, while for geranium, it's balance. For a dreamy sensation, I recommend the blend composed of Siberian fir, with fruity notes of grapefruit and orange that provide freshness.

How can we divide the rooms of the house through essences?

Essential oils also play an important role for those who need to divide the environments, choosing a fragrance for each room. For example, in the study area, something refreshing like grapefruit, lemon, and rosemary is appropriate. In relaxation zones like the bedroom, I recommend sweet orange, mandarin, and lavender. Furthermore, in the living room, where positivity is stimulated and moments are shared with the family, cinnamon, cloves, and anise can warm the heart.

Whether small or large, when people spend more time at home than usual, there is a need to purify and cleanse the spaces from negative energies to feel emotionally well. The natural world, ranging from flower therapy to essential oils to crystals, helps naturally seek to maintain and preserve balance.

In short, whether one wants to divide their domestic spaces through an olfactory path or indulge in a relaxation treat, diffusing the right aromas in the environment where we live daily can be a precious source for breathing and nurturing new and positive energy.