Windows and Materials

Steel, aluminum, wood, or PVC? The main characteristics of the different types of fixtures to choose the most suitable product

The expert's advice

When choosing a window or door, three factors are always taken into account: economic, aesthetic and performance.

In order to achieve the best balance among these aspects, it is important to carefully choose the type of system to use, taking into account the intended use, the characteristics of different systems, and different materials.

infissi e materiali

The material they are made of

One of the variables in the choice of fixtures is represented by the material they are made of, an element that influences both aesthetics and performance. Knowing how they are made, the materials they can be made of, and the types of glass they can present is fundamental for choosing the right fixtures for one's home and needs. Being able to choose, replace, and purchase the most suitable windows and fixtures for one's home, both in terms of furnishings and comfort, is essential in selecting products in various types.

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Speaking about this is Salvatore Usella, Co-founder and Project Manager of ISAProject

«The comparison and assignment of various judgment values should be understood as our opinion, entirely subjective for sure, but based on our twenty years of experience and a general selection of window systems," explains Salvatore. "Therefore, the values expressed are indicative. In choosing window frames, you can opt for different materials (steel, aluminum, wood and PVC) that have various properties and costs.» 

infissi e materiali