low energy consumption construction

The professional has worked on CasaClima certified projects in the Valdarno area

The experience of Marco Lapi

Born in 1962, Marco Lapi is the president of Studio Artifex, an interior designer, and oversees the management of numerous construction sites. In recent years, he has devoted particular attention to applied research in the field of environmental sustainability and the construction of low-energy and zero-energy buildings.

What projects have you focused on in recent years?

«I have focused on sustainable construction. As a site manager, I oversaw the construction of the only two buildings in Valdarno that are certified by CasaClima, a third-party organization (not involved in the design and/or construction of the building), which certifies the energy characteristics, sustainability, and quality of a building. These are constructions that can boast 'gold' energy consumption.»

edilizia basso consumo

Which projects are you currently working on?

«With my studio partners, we are overseeing the construction of four passive buildings in Valdarno, which will not be powered by gas but by electricity».

edilizia basso consumo marco lapi

What are the industry trends for 2019?

«I believe that new homes will mostly be powered by heat pumps, perhaps with energy produced by solar panels and stored in batteries for self-consumption. Technology is pushing a lot on building insulation, constructions where little energy is needed for heating. The perspective is energy self-production: we are talking about systems of 4-5 kilowatts per apartment, equipped with a storage battery of 5 kilowatts or more.»

Are there any incentives planned?

«The tax relief applies only to renovations; there are no incentives for new constructions. However, we must not forget the primary benefit: purchasing a new building with cutting-edge systems means drastically reducing utility bills. This type of housing originated in Northern Europe, where climates are colder, but it can also work well in ours, for example, in terms of summer cooling».

What do you think about your collaboration with ISAProject?

«I had never been to Klimahouse before, and I must say I found it a very interesting event. ISAProject's initiative was well organized, and the group movement allowed participants to exchange experiences, opinions, and constructive knowledge».