Category: Interior design

Thermal insulation [IT]
Blog, Interior design | 9 August 2023
Thermal insulation [IT]

ISOLAMENTO TERMICO Come scegliere gli infissi più adatti I consigli dei professionisti ISAProject e resistenza alle intemperie Le finestre e gli infissi sono elementi strutturali importantissimi in una casa. La scelta di questi elementi non è per niente scontata ma, anzi, va ponderata nel migliore dei modi, non solo per gli aspetti estetici della casa ma soprattutto per ottenere livelli…

Fixtures and materials: expert's advice
Blog, Interior design | 7 August 2023
Fixtures and materials: expert’s advice

Windows and Materials Steel, aluminum, wood, or PVC? The main characteristics of the different types of fixtures to choose the most suitable product The expert’s advice When choosing a window or door, three factors are always taken into account: economic, aesthetic and performance. In order to achieve the best balance among these aspects, it is important to carefully choose the…

Free Design Following in the Footsteps of Le Corbusier [ENG]
Blog, Interior design | 3 July 2023
Free Design Following in the Footsteps of Le Corbusier [ENG]

HOMING, CHANGING HOMES Free Design in the Footsteps of Le Corbusier Creating continuity between indoor and outdoor spaces can enhance the living well-being in this way? We discussed this with architect Alessio Viviani. Among the pioneers of modern architecture in the 20th century, the architectural philosophy of Le Corbusier continues to influence intellectuals and designers to this day. What anticipated…